While Mrs. Johnson relaxed one Tuesday afternoon, she received a call from a friend asking if she could visit her family that weekend. Mrs. Johnson was not willing to receive any visitors at home that weekend, so she told her friend that her family was out of town on a short trip.
The next day, Mrs. Johnson’s daughter, Jane denied taking some candy without her mother’s permission. As soon as Mrs Johnson found out, she began educating her daughter on the importance of honesty and telling the truth always.
Jane, looking curious, asked her mother why she was expected to always tell the truth while her mother could tell a lie to her friend. Mrs. Johnson had no idea that her daughter had overheard the conversation she had with her friend the previous day.
In that instant, Mrs. Johnson realised a profound truth . As a parent, beyond her words, her actions really mattered!
“What you do matters”. Tell yourself that every day. Walk the walk. Don’t just tell your child what you want them to do. Show them. As humans, we are programmed to copy other’s actions, to understand them and to incorporate them into our own.
Children, in particular, watch everything their parents do very carefully. So, you must be the person you want your child to be.